Friday, June 03, 2005

Attraction and Chastity - Episode 1

Awlright..i have been thinking about some time now to narrate this story of a very close frend of mine who happened to get attracted to a girl and made a complete fool out of himself. The story is not too funny (doesnt look funny to me from where i am standing but you may have a different opinion after you've read it). Keeping in line with my blog's policy of maintaining privacy of characters mentioned the names would be changed...but if either of the characters of the story happen to read this, they wud surely know its them. The guy i know would surely read this sometime...the girl i doubt would. Not that she is too busy or something...but then she ll have to stoop down real low from her standards to go to some stranger's blog and read. Now dont say i am biased even before i start the story, i am the guy's frend!! what do you expect? :) but i promise to put down everything in true facts as it happened. Some very minor details might be airbrushed though..just ot keep things interesting (to whom!!??). If either of the girl or guy feel the facts have been misrepresented, feel free to yell at me. The story is long and winding, since i like to tell things in detail. So i will probably not be able to finish it in one we' ll use episodes here.

The story starts somewhere near the place i work in hyderabad. This guy, pretty much OK on all counts of attractivess (he is no Arnold, no Einstein, no Tom Cruise, no millionaire, no human rights activist, no 'protect the stray animals' enthusiast either) but like i said...pretty much OK. This girl, conventionally not the most beautiful, but attractive and graceful. this guy finds an air of attractiveness around her, probably becos of her aloofness, not to mention that she is intelligent or so he thinks. Before we get into the details of ths story, lets put some names on our characters..i ll call the girl Nattu and i ll call the guy Gattu. Both Nattu and Gattu work in the same bldg, in diff cos. though.

Scene 1

This guy, Gattu sees this girl, Nattu somewhere in an eating place and is attracted immediately. Nattu, wearing blue jeans and white T Shirt is looking pretty. Nattu catches Gattu's eye. Now, knowing the constraints of just going and approaching a girl in our country (you know the stereotyping that happens if someone does that, unless you re a girl whos mentally as mature and open minded as girls generally claim to be or unless like you are in life is a lil different), doesnt want to go and strike a conversation immediately there and then. But he does want to talk. Since he cant do that immediately, he satisfies himself with observing the name of that girl (Nattu) on her ID badge and comes out.

Gattu is interested in talking and wants to strike a conversation. But for the time being, he just has a name and thats all.

Scene 2 (a series)
Gattu is leaving office one day. He is with his frends, going outside to celebrate something that happened with one of the guys, and there, he sees Nattu again. But things are a lil different this time - he feels Nattu is giving him 'the look' too. He feels there is 'that spark' and his heart races thinking what he had in mind is being reciprocated. Gattu is overjoyed, but taking my advice, doesnt want to jump to conclusions either. So he controls himself ...tries (the bugger barely ate anything at the party). And trust me by the way they both looked at each other i would have felt the spark too if i was him.

Since Gattu and Nattu are in the same bldg, their paths did cross once in a while. Gattu wud be sitting smoking with his frens somewhere and suddenly wud see Nattu. He could see Nattu checking him out while walking there, the last 'turn and look' before sho took a turn and all know what i am talkin about.

After this happened a few times, Gattu gathers the courage and is ready to move in. We think of an appropriate manner since Nattu doesnt seem like the kinda girl you can just go and talk to anywhere if you dont know her. So Gattu is racing his mind how to go about it.......


At 5:08 PM, June 16, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am hooked. Really interesting. There is no way I wont read Part 2


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