Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Over the past couple of days i have been posting at about my experiences with a training institute by the name TIME. I had approached them for an MBA entrance exam coaching and really amusing stuff happened. I thought i d provide a link to that forum from here but they sometimes let threads 'die'?? and the posts become unavailable. So i am pasting what i had posted there in two parts...Part I: before joining the institute and Part II: after joining. Enjoy....

Part I (before enrolling)
I called up TIME on the phone and asked for details on the courses available which were promptly provided, with a non-stop voice reciting all the courses available, the fee structure etc far so good, though this could have been an Automated Voice Service cos i tried to ask something twice but the woman just wont stop and kept on reciting. somewhere reminded me of the poems i used to learn by rote as a kid and was always nervous that if someone wud interrupt me, i wud forget the rest.
Anyway, the real fun started when i landed at their Ameerpet Center. A counsellor asked me to sit in one of the demi-cubicles they have and asked...
Counsellor(C): so what do you want to join sir
me: classroom coaching for CAT, preferably wknds
C: (here came the recital again..but this time i was determined to ask my doubt no matter what)
me: but you see, my job requires a lot of travelling and thus my availability in Hyd. is always questionable..even on wknds. do you have a postal course ?
me: of course i do, but knowing my circumstances, it might be a challenge for me to do that regularly. So if you have a postal course where i can get all the material without having to attend the classes, that would be really good for me.
C: that is impozzible sir.
me: ok...since you dont have a postal course but i do need the study mtrl, can i join your wknd classes and then take the material and attend only if i am in Hyd.
C: Sir your intention is to just take our material.
me: i dont get your meaning here...i am joining your course and paying for it too. anyway, whether i attend the classes or not would work good/bad for lets not waste our time discussing that. tell me something, since you guys distribute material in classes, can i call your office occassionaly to check if you have circulated some material for my batch and if yes, i ll come over and collect from the office.
C: it is impozzible sir.
me: impossible!! why? thats a simple piece of information i am asking for.
C: sir actually our telephones are only meant for official calls. we cant make personal calls.
me: (hello!!...whos gonna make YOU a personal call!) but i would think this wud be counted as an official call, since i am only calling to ask about the course material.
C: that is impozzible sir!
me: i really dont get it. i believe yours is a professionally run organisation. i am sure you would maintain logs of which material has been circulated in which batch. it wud hardly take a couple of minutes for someone to tell me over the phone if matrl has been circulated or not.
C: it is impozzible sir
me: ma'am...why wud you want me to come all the way from my house to your office only to be told you have not circulated anything at all. wouldnt it save a lot of time if you could just let me know on the phone, yes or no.
C: it is impozzible sir.
me: but this is illogical now. y is it impozzible..sorry impossible.
C: thats our management policy sir.
me: can i request someone from your management to pls consider the situation and make an exception.
C: it is impozzible sir
me: let me atleast try...could you please put one of your policy makers on the phone pls (hand out my mobile to her)
C: it is impozzible sir
me: what! it a secret?
C: it is impozzible sir
me: please say something else
C: you are the only one asking like this sir
me: so?
C: your intention is only to take our material and not attend classes
me: you find my intention wrong in any manner?...i mean you got something against it?
C: no sir its impozzible sir

now thats mostly how the conversation went. somewhere in between there was a sequence of me trying to take the example of a movie and explain how if she had to watch a movie, things would be really easier if she could find out about ticket availability from home itself rather than having to go all the way to the hall only to find house-full, thus putting some analogy. nothing seemed to work and impozzible anyway was the word of the day...

well, thats that...despite everything...i still joined TIME ameerpet. the story doesnt end there.
rest in Part II (after joining)...


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