Monday, May 23, 2005

Why are you here?

OK! now if you are a first timer to my blog, may be you just happened to get lucky, so i ll give you the benefit of innocence. if you were i am getting POPULAR! welcome, make yourself at home, have some coffee and read along.
if you are a return visitor, there could be many reasons for your returning here..
1. you like mud being slung at other ppl
2. you like mud being slung at you
3. you really dont have a life
4. if you know me in real life, you want to see if i have written something nice about you too
5. you like mental sleaze, and are here for your doze of it (dude / dudette i am sure you have other sources too...lets share! :)
6. you are here to tell me how emotionally disturbed you are after reading what i have put up, how it has hurt your sentiments, how you feel violated (and as Chandler says "not in a good way") and all that crap. take my advice, jot down what you got and i ll throw something back in your face...i am sure you enjoy that kinda thing...dont you :))

In either case, please do take a moment to put your pin my my guestmap (the left button right above the ME ME ME part) so i can come and stalk you :))
Despite all these warnings..if you still find something you dont liek, please feel free to send me hate mail or post your stinker comments. If neither vents your frustration out....well i can only say...EXCUSE ME!


At 2:46 PM, March 27, 2006, Blogger R said...

Hey speak_straight! Thx for the comment.

Sunrise beauty of fog is at IIM Indore, sometime in winter last year.

bout photography, would be glad to share whatever lil i know. followed ur link but got a msg that your blog is not there. so dont know how to get in touch. feel free to write a mail to me from the "Talk to Me" link on my blog and i ll respond.


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