Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Why Blog?

OK!!..so why write a blog. its easier to say "i dont know i just felt like it" and probably thats trew to some extent. of course there are other advantages i can think of..like ranting on and on about how life suxx, poking fun at ppl...no lemme word it better..just jotting down how amused i am by creatures, besides i always have something to say about everything, even if i am a zillion miles away from even knowing what that is. other reasons could be...
thinking objectively, the possible reasons that come to mind first...
1. i need to get a life (doing this!!??)
2. there are a gajillion ppl doing it, why not me. 'herd mentality' has its own fans. you always have everything and everyone else to blame but yourself.
3. so that ppl like you who dont have a life either and are reading this can have some TP.
4. so i can share useless information with equally useless ppl

the politically correct ones:
1. so i can share my thoughts and opinions with ppl (this thoughts section would be mostly empty i can foresee but opinions / judgements should be free flowing)
2. create awareness about issues that bug me (mostly of very trivial nature)..and may be find like minded ppl
3. appreciate things and ppl i admire (or lets say flatter ppl who matter)
4. so i can give my 2p worth of advice to everyone for free.

the ones my frends think hold good..
1. i dont have anything better to do
2. me too me too
3. avenge the fokkers (just stick the label LOSER on my head!!...so much for frends!!)
well rest is for you to decide if i manage to hold your eyeballs long enough. (please go and rinse your eyes with distilled water..i dont want no dirty germs in my hands)


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