Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Awlright, coming back to me goes Part II (you can find Part I here)

Now that i had joined a wknd batch, i promptly reached there at the designated time. The room in which my batch was assigned was huge enuff to allow 30 ppl...but TIME had been nice enuff to allocate around 45 instead. Lemme explain the room here once...around 15-18 benches, two fans on the ceiling and one side-fan near one of the walls. Since i had not been wise enuff to come at 4 30 in the morning and reserve a seat for myself, i got one of the left over seats where the absence of the fans' effectiveness in that 'seat by the window with the sun shining bright' made me realise how people die of sunstrokes. anyway, someone closed the window and i thought that may be if i breathe very hard, the guy in front of me would get some relief. At once i thought i should just get up and go back to their office and demand if THIS is the kind of infra they are providing for all the money they are charging. but then, being used to mediocre service levels all around, i decided to keep my trap shut knowing no one else would probably bother to go take them by the collar for this sheer rip off...and just when i was kinda settling down in that bench, few more guys entered the class and two of them decided to choose the same bench as me (not like the poor things had a choice)...and to top it all, one sat to my right and one to my left. i was feeling like a prize ..a 'sweating' prize idiot sitting there in the 'too close for comfort' physical proximity of two guys and that too in the middle.

my mind was constantly thinking whether i shud really do the taking by the collar thing now. but then, i was there for another purpose..and decided i would try to concentrate hard and not let either those guys whose every small move would surely result in some physical contact (trust me its yukkkkkkk when this happens) or by the sweat drops running down my back and forehead...small price to pay for some gyan which can help me to crack CAT. a coaching institute is a temple of education and we should not bother about petty things now isnt it! .

Class 1: supposed to be something on logic. to top the ongoing torture, the teacher did not turn up for a half hour, while i was reading thru the rules list they had handed over, one point in which mentioned that if a student was more than 10 mins late, he would not be allowed into the class. (i have intentionally not written he/'she') in the preceding sentence cos majority of people DO have different set of rules for the HEs and the SHEs. i once again reminded myself about the 'gyan factor' and the sanctity of a place of education, even if its short on sanity. khair, so what, the teacher did come in 35 mins late and mumbled an apology for being late. with the expectation setting i had been having with TIME so far, that mumble seemed like the biggest gesture of professionalism in the world to me at that moment.

having had the grim satisfaction of hearing an apology for lousy service, we got along and he started off with his teaching. i found him good...concepts and all ..though i found him a lil fast for comfort, but then all of us have our styles, and then he did give some good examples. he distributed some handouts with examples to explain the concepts. it was THEN that i realised what Shoaib Akhtar had been missing in his pace. The teacher picked up so much of speed i could only hear, but not listen at all. i looked at his lips hoping he would get tired and slow down, but trust me he could have given Mr. Scatman a run for his money. he just wouldnt slow down. as i looked at his mouth, i pictured the Rawalpindi Express in my mind. and guess what, when he did slow down, i realised the class was about over and he had covered all that he wanted to cover...material planned for 90 odd minutes and delivered in under 60 ! who ever said education was part of service industry and is a professional thing today!!?? i would like him to come and attend a class with me at TIME.

no harm done, its just one class...and we get a break of 30 mins. (30 MINS!!??...comeon..its a wknd batch for ppl who dont have the excellent infra wasnt making every minute easier anyway).

Class 2: a class on RC. some lady arrived and started explaining the stuff. RC is one thing i like so for a moment i just forgot about the worldly troubles and started concentrating. aah..did i mention that after the break i had gotten up and moved to the first seat in the middle line / column whatever you wanna call it. i just didnt think that the RC teacher could be a lady. feminists - before you start preparing to jump up with your clubs..picture this (and i bet any guy who has been in a similar situation would understand what i am talking about). You are a tall guy sitting at the first seat in the middle column...there is not much room between your bench and the black board and on top of that the teacher is a female who is standing right in front of you between you and the black board. put yourself in that situation and tell me what do you see? and i mean 'see' literally here. its a 'view' which is not very comfortable (unless the person on the other side is really HOT, which was not the case here, or you are uncouth enough to stare anyway). so there we were, she and i, and being the decent guy that i am, i had to look another way. To my left there was a girl sitting. Needless to say looking constantly in her direction would have surely sent out wrong signals, and on the other side was a guy...comeon!..two guys in a day was already too much. i didnt want to look at another for 90 mins. so i found the most comfortable angle that i could, and focussed my eyes on some point on the wall, trying to keep my ears on to her voice.

she started with the usual things about RC, its importance and all. though i expected all Junta to already know rc IS important (why would they otherwise pay so much and sit there in the torture chamber on a HOT summer afternoon), but then, backgrounds are needed and so we went on with the ritual waiting for the real stuff. what did i know that this 'real stuff' was on the teachers mind too. (pervs pls dont race your brain too hard here...just read on). During her lecture, she used the words "real stuff", "hardcore stuff" and "the thing" so many times and sometimes in such really funny manner that i started getting disgusted with myself for even entertaining non-rc thoughts at that time. but she was incessant, and the usage of such words increased in frequency. i was wondering if i was the only one thinking that way there that day...and i started asking myself WHY!?....WHY IS SHE DOING THIS!?WHY!? ...and just then i heard her say "If i reveal everything right now, you would see and understand". trust me, just by the mere fact that she had sprayed couple of times on my bench as she spoke, i DID NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND!!...even if it did or did not mean whatever i was feeling disgusted for thinking she might be doing there.

By this time, my neck had already started yelling with strain, so much that my itch to take objection to one of her examples (she mentioned some situation where a group of guys is standing and a girl passes by ...and blah blah blah. I immediately remembered a college scene where a male teacher had been taken to task by few female students for quoting the same example...apparently they thought it was sexist and encouraged objectification of protest here would have been that it is sexist and shows men in a bad light in general

ppl...i have already spent around 10-12 mins on typing this. just wanted to do this before rushing into a meeting which i have to do now...the episode ends normally with no harm done..just that my neck felt a lil uncomfortable that whole day . i think i have written a bit too much ...hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as i did recalling it.

until next encounter


At 8:29 PM, April 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this stuff's a hit..both the episodes..looking fwd to no3!

At 4:59 PM, May 01, 2006, Blogger R said...

Dear Anonymous
Thx for the appreciation. These episodes were written an year ago. Fortunately or unfortunately, i did make into a B School that year only and so there is no part III to this series. but yes, am right now in the middle of an internship in a very interesting part of india bout which i intend to update my blog very soon. you are most welcoem to visit and read :)

At 4:47 AM, June 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay..hope you update your blog soon.


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