Monday, June 13, 2005

Attraction and Chastity - Episode 3

ok!..i got my first comment on these episodes yesterday and invigorated by the joy, i am using precious office time typing away the next episode (yes i agree i oughta be fired :)). wont ramble on unnecessarily too much today and go straight for the kill. So here goes...

Gattu is keeping his fingers crossed after having sent that email. He has no clue what is going to happen and is racing up and down...smoking rate increased to twice his normal just hoping and waiting for a response...lungs taking the brunt for the gallivanting of the heart. he is finding it difficult to walk cos he has crossed his toes too..hoping to get a response, a favorable one at that. He has spent a few hours toggling again and again to his inbox window and staring at his inbox to find that one name he is waiting to hear from, staring at his computer screen so hard it starts feeling shy and conscious ;)). Gattu is the kinda guy who generally doesnt get excited about anything easily, is very difficult to embarass and i have rarely seen his emotions getting the better of him in all these years i have known him. Mostly he is cool, composed, calm and serene. But today things seem to be a lil different...and for what!!. i am disgusted with him for acting like this but then its a matter of the heart..there isnt much one can do to wake up one's dear friend.

finally that much awaited email arrives. with his heart in his mouth(am sure it dint taste good), he opens the email and reads. It goes something like this...

"i think you have reached the right person. I dont reply to anonymous emails as a rule..but your email was very different and straightforward, thats why i am replying. tell me a lil bout yourself".

you dont need to know rocket science to figure what Gattu felt like after reading that...especially since he had mentioned it clearly in his first mail that the recipient reply only if she too is interested. Knowing just enuff of company law to figure this can be taken as an implicit acceptance of a proposal (no indecent one this, since its just bout intros right now), Gattu is already planning his next mail. he jots down all the plebeian details bout himself as concisely as he can and shoots it across to Nattu asking of her to introduce herself too - 'anything that you would like to share' - as he put it.

and with this, ladies and gentlemen, Gattu has embarked upon a journey of long waits for Nattu's replies followed by his prompt responses. destiny had made me an unwilling witness to what attraction can do to an otherwise really sensible guy, one who generally doesnt give 'ghaas' to girls but is completely bowled over with this one. this, he says, is the girl who made him change his belief that there are only two kinds of ppl in hyderabad - males and walruses...though i fail to understand how his opinion changed cos this girl is no hyderabadi native either (no offence meant hydies..personally i love hyderabad). She is from...aah..writing this would give away who the girl is actually to anyone who knows her and might happen to read this.

So Gattu's intro is given and the wait is on for Nattu's intro. By this time i too have kind of started enjoying this whole thing that is going on. certain kind of sweetness to it which i havent witnessed ever since leaving school. Nattu's intro comes in...which we cover along with a chain of emails and telephone calls leading to their first Episode 4.


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